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Celebrating Black British Films

As part of this years Black History Month 2021 we drift down memory lane whilst we celebrate black British films, directors, actors and their stories made over the last 50 years. Jemima + Johnny (1966)Director: Lionel Ngakane This half-hour long film depicts the story of five-year-old Johnny (son of a right-wing nationalist father and Jemima (daughter …

Inspiration Knowledge

The Windrush Generation…. They came, they conquered and they stayed!

After serving in World War 2 (WW2), all those from the Caribbean who participated in the war returned back to their countries, however upon their return there was an economic downturn and shortage of jobs.  Many experienced life in Europe and had the thirst to return back to Britain as they were fully aware of …

Inspiration Knowledge


Informally aware, of social problems such as racism and inequality The creative sector is one of the UK’s fastest growing industries and contributed £101.5 billion to the economy in 2017. However, although this is a thriving and growing business with an influx of Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic (BAME) people entering the industry there they …


Hello world!

So, I am sure you have seen the headlines about the knife crime epidemic that has hit the UK. It has been a talking point on and off for the last 18 months – 2 years. Unfortunately, the media is focusing on the negative impact that it is having within the black community; in particular on our young boys and men which we have lost far too many of, to the gangs and the street. Rightly so some may say, something has to be done about it.