Showing 6 Result(s)
Empowerment Knowledge

STOP and SEARCH, is it an effective tool used by the Police to prevent crime or is it used to discriminate against the BAME community?

The Metropolitan Police announced that they had given Police Officers the powers to stop and search individuals under section 60 during the 2018 Notting Hill Carnival they say that they based the enhanced powers on the recent spate of violence in the capital and intelligence that they had received.   Stop and search is extremely controversial, in particularly within …

Empowerment Knowledge

Inequality in the workplace, is discrimination still prevalent in the UK workforce?

One of the key priorities in the UK today is to tackle the inequalities within the workplace.  Organisations and individuals tend to focus more on gender inequality against women in areas such as leadership positions and pay.  This issue often hits the media headlines and has encouraged initiatives such as the FTSE 100 boardroom recruitment (now …